Rosary of the Sun
As many do, I’ve got a lot of quams with organized religions, but one thing it’s good for is introducing tradition and discipline. I’ve come to embrace the rosary as a meditation aid, and wearable reminder of connection to a higher power.
This rosary has a Sun instead of a cross. Catholic rosaries center the crucifixion, a gory reminder of how forgiveness is not only essential, but central to christian religions. Kinda cool, right? Buddists call it Karma. Anywhoo, this one is different. It centers the Sun - an incredibly vague symbol, leaving your meditation open to whatever centers you.. Could be thinking about the universe, light, enlightenment, openness, a shared energy, a common axis, whatever the sun can mean to you.
Material: Lava rock, Stone pendant
Dimensions: 25in long, centerpiece is 5in long and 4cm in diameter